166 Dong Van Cong St, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam (Next to The Vista VERDE Appartment)

Wisdom Tooth Removal Service

In the world of dentistry, wisdom teeth are always a subject of considerable research and interest. They are called 'wisdom teeth' not because they are smarter than other teeth, but because they appear later in our lives, usually in adulthood. So what are wisdom teeth? Do wisdom teeth have any effect on oral health? Let's find out with the East Rose Dental Clinic!

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as teeth number 8, are teeth that commonly appear in adults, usually between 17 and 25 years old. These are the last molars to grow at the back of the lower jaw. However, one of the common problems with wisdom teeth is that they often do not grow in enough space, leading to impacted or misaligned growth because the jaw does not have enough space for the wisdom teeth to grow.
Wisdom teeth can grow back towards the jawbone, piercing straight into the second molars on the side, or they can grow partially out of the gums and then stop and not continue to grow. 

Can impacted wisdom teeth cause complications?

The answer is yes. If wisdom teeth grow crookedly, it can lead to many unpleasant complications and affect health, as follows:

  • Tooth decay: Because wisdom teeth are often located deep in the jaw, cleaning food becomes difficult, creating conditions for bacteria to grow and cause tooth decay.
  • Gingivitis: The accumulation of food and bacteria around wisdom teeth can cause inflammation of the surrounding gums, causing pain, swelling, fever, and bad breath.
  • Bone and tooth destruction: Impacted wisdom teeth can destroy adjacent teeth and penetrate the jawbone, leading to pain and eventually the need to have the tooth extracted.
  • Risk of spreading infection: If not treated promptly, infection from wisdom teeth can spread to surrounding areas such as ears, cheeks, eyes, and neck, which can be life-threatening.

Taking care of and treating wisdom tooth problems is very important to maintain the overall health of your mouth and body.

Signs of wisdom teeth growing

There are a number of signs to recognise when wisdom teeth begin to grow, including:

  • Swollen gums: When wisdom teeth begin to grow, the gums can swell and bulge, causing a noticeable feeling of swollen gums.
  • Fever and headache: Mild fever and headache are common signs when wisdom teeth begin to grow in adults.
  • Pain around the gums: When wisdom teeth begin to erupt, you may feel pain from inside, and this feeling can spread to the surrounding gums and molars.

When should wisdom teeth be extracted?

This is a question that many people with wisdom teeth are interested in. Depending on the complexity of the wisdom tooth eruption, we will have different solutions. The following times, you must have your wisdom teeth removed immediately:

  • Wisdom teeth grow underground or crowd neighbouring teeth, causing the structure of the jaw to shift.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth cause inflammation, pain, and infection and can cause dangerous complications.
  • Wisdom teeth grow in positions that are difficult to clean, creating gaps that easily trap bacteria, causing tooth decay, periodontitis, and other related problems.
  • Wisdom teeth grow abnormally in shape or size compared to other teeth.

Hopefully, the above article can give you some useful information about wisdom teeth. If you are looking for a good-quality, reputable facility to advise on the condition of your wisdom teeth, please contact The East Rose Dental Clinic immediately to get answers from experts!

How long does wisdom tooth pain last? When to get wisdom teeth removed?
How long does wisdom tooth pain last? When to get wisdom teeth removed?

How long it takes to recover from wisdom tooth pain is the major concern of those who are in trouble with the eighth tooth.

Is wisdom tooth extraction dangerous?
Is wisdom tooth extraction dangerous?

When the dentist says it is the time to remove your wisdom tooth, fears immediately take hold inside your head: fear of pain, fear of complications, fear of eating porridge for weeks. But don't worry much!

16 foods to eat after getting a wisdom tooth extraction
16 foods to eat after getting a wisdom tooth extraction

A wisdom tooth or third molar grows at the back of the jaw and is the last one to appear. Generally, wisdom teeth are either partially erupt, impact, horizontally grow but not rarely grow in the right angle. At that time, they often lead to other complications such as tooth decay, infection, and inflammation of the surrounding soft tissues.

Pericoronitis: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Pericoronitis: Causes, symptoms and treatment

If one day, you experience soreness in the tooth which is at the back of the mouth (also known as wisdom tooth), there is a high chance you are getting pericoronitis. This is a phenomenon that most people suffer from in their late teens or early twenties.

Impacted wisdom teeth and complications
Impacted wisdom teeth and complications

Entering adulthood (from 18 to 25 years old), we will, in turn, see the appearance of 4 wisdom teeth located in the bottom of the jaw: two on the upper jaw, two on the lower jaw. If you are lucky, these teeth will "obediently" grow in place, not affecting the gums and surrounding teeth. However, many people encounter a situation called impacted wisdom teeth. This happens due to the fact that the mouth does not have enough room for them to grow normally.

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Procedure and Complications
Wisdom Teeth Removal: Procedure and Complications

Wisdom teeth are considered to be an "unnecessary" part in the mouth since they are formed and do not have any special function. Sometimes wisdom teeth also cause a lot of nuisance as well as many problems for oral health. That's why dentists often recommend wisdom tooth extraction even when they haven't caused any discomfort.