Why do you need a temporary crown while waiting for an implant?
While waiting for your dental implant, a temporary crown could help you to cover the missing teeth and temporarily restore the function of chewing or grinding down foods into smaller pieces.
Placing a temporary crown is a necessary step in a dental implant process, especially if the tooth being installed is in the front of the mouth. However, not everyone understands the role of a temporary crown and how to take care of it properly. This could make the crowns easier to fall out, which can affect the effectiveness of receiving implants in the future.
So, what is a temporary crown? Why do you need it while waiting for your implant to be ready? How to properly take care of temporary crowns? The following article will give you all the answers.
What is a temporary crown?
According to the dentists, temporary crowns or temporary teeth are the terms for crowns that are used to protect the implant abutment while waiting for the permanent crown to be made.
The lifetime of a temporary crown is relatively short, so its durability will not be as good as the permanent one. Therefore, if you are placing a temporary tooth, you need to pay more attention to chewing foods as well as oral care during this time.
When do you need to place a temporary tooth?
In the procedures of cosmetic dental restoration that need to use permanent crowns such as implants, porcelain crowns, etc., placing temporary teeth is an essential part. The reason is that permanent crowns take time to be fabricated to suit the customer’s requirements.
For that reason, it is often recommended by experts that a temporary tooth replacement should be worn over the implant site. Benefits of temporary teeth include:
Fill in the gap that was caused by tooth loss (especially if the missing one is the front tooth), bring back your confident smile
Temporarily restore the function of chewing and grinding food
Protect the gums and implant abutments
Reduce teeth sensitivity and pain in the implant site
Manage the right distance between teeth
Help with evaluating the suitability for crowns to made the permanent crowns
How long do you have to wear a temporary tooth?
Usually, temporary crowns can be worn for two weeks to several months. However, in some special cases, the duration may last longer. For instance, the healing time as well as the time for an implant and the bone to bond together may vary among people. It could be weeks to months before the implant is restored using a permanent crown.
Difference between a temporary tooth and a permanent crown
Most temporary teeth are similar in shape and colour to your real teeth. However, since a temporary crown is only needed for a short time, its durability or refined sophistication cannot be compared with a permanent crown.
Also, in some cases, the temporary tooth material also affects the colour of the crowns, which could mismatch the remaining teeth’s natural colour.
How to take care of temporary teeth
Oral and dental care is always a must in all cases. In particular, if you are wearing a temporary tooth, more attention will need to be paid in this regard so as not to make it fall out.
Dentists recommend that people with temporary crowns should:
Continue to maintain your regular oral hygiene routine to ensure that the crowns are clean
Gently floss to remove any food debris that is stuck between your teeth
Do not vigorously brush in the site of the temporary crown
Foods and drinks to avoid with temporary crowns
Besides the above notes, you should also need to take account of your eating habits.
Although the chewing function of the teeth may return to normal by this time, it is important to remember that temporary crowns are bonded into place with temporary cement and cannot last for a long time. Therefore, they can fall off if you chew on hard or sticky foods.
Also, it is not a good idea to eat foods that are high in sugar during this time since there may be a small gap between the temporary crown and the gum line. Food debris can get stuck there and may lead to cavities.
Thus, according to many dentists, you should try to reduce the following food intake while wearing a temporary tooth.
Steak or any tough and chewy meat
Crispy bread
Crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as cucumber, baby carrot, apple, pear, etc.
Corn and popcorn
Chewing gum (gum)
Hard candy
Ice cubes
Foods that are too hot or too cold. They can affect the crown and cause it to shift or fall off the cement.
In general, temporary crowns or temporary teeth are responsible for temporarily restoring the chewing function of the teeth. They also improve aesthetics while waiting for the dental implant to be ready. Proper care for a temporary crown can make the implant more effective.