166 Dong Van Cong St, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam (Next to The Vista VERDE Appartment)

Broken teeth are not an uncommon problem that can be underestimated. You will feel both physically and mentally uncomfortable if you put off your visit to the dentist or do not have timely treatment. When a tooth is broken or chipped, you may or may not feel pain. A small fracture is usually not painful, but if the chipped piece is quite large, it can still be. In addition, nerves inside the teeth are also vulnerable.

This discomfort condition will still occur when the nerve endings in the dentin are exposed to the air or to foods that are too hot and too cold. The painful sensation will last or suddenly become more severe when you perform actions that put pressure on your teeth such as chewing, gargling with antiseptic water, etc.

Different cases of broken tooth and suitable treatment

There are many different types of tooth fractures and the treatments that follow them are also a bit different, such as:

1. Small cracks 

These are only cracks that affect the tooth surface and they rarely need too special treatment. However, the dentist may lightly polish the area to smooth it out.

2. Large cracks

This type of damage affects the entire tooth, from the surface to the nerves. Visually, the teeth are fine but the cracks will gradually spread. This condition will require a dental crown to prevent the tooth from getting worse. If the pulp is damaged, your dentist may require a root canal treatment.

Read more: What are dental crowns?

3. Chipped at the top

The condition does not always need to be treated. Your dentist will sometimes fill or polish or smooth the tooth to help it look better.

4. Broken tooth

tooth broke horizontally

These fractures affect the sharp surface of the tooth. They usually do not affect the pulp or cause pain. The dentist will review and restore the shape of the tooth by onlay or crown.

Read more: Teeth fillings procedure at The East Rose Dental

5. Severely fractured tooth

The crack goes deep enough to allow the nerves to be exposed. They almost always hurt the tooth and make it become sensitive. Normally, the broken tooth will bleed. You will need a root canal treatment to remove exposed nerves and use crowns to restore normal tooth function.

6. Split tooth

tooth split in half

The tooth is divided vertically into two separate parts. When faced with this condition, the dentist will perform a treatment for your pulp. Then, the split tooth will need a dental crown to cover the root and replace the tooth surface. In some cases, when a root is unable to retain, you will need to have your tooth extracted.

Read more: What is root canal treatment? Problem, Process and Recovery

7. Vertical fractures and root split

These cracks start from the root and extend above the chewing surface. They are often painful because the area around the pulp can become inflamed or infected. In most cases, the teeth will have to be removed.

Learn about the effects of missing teeth in the following article.

8. Broken tooth due to tooth decay

In this case, the tooth will be broken due to weakening from the inside. Your dentist will evaluate the level and recommend the best way to restore your tooth. In some cases, if tooth decay spreads and goes down to the jawbone, the tooth may need to be removed.

When having problems related to oral health, the best way is to go to a reputable dental clinic and let the professional dentists take care of the rest.


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